What is NMR Testing?
NMR spectroscopy is the fiercest technology on the market to analyze the sugars, acids, and amino acids present in honey.
Who cares? We do!
Using this analysis, we are able to determine the type of honey, its botanical variety, and its geographical origin, and that means you know where your honey is REALLY sourced.
NMR spectroscopy analyzes the sugars, acids, and amino acids present in honey. Translation: NO funny honey!
The Mass Spec is a testing support tool that checks for chemical residue in honey. That is NOT stuff you want to pick up in your jar! Mass Spec is checking for undesirable residues of pesticides, chemicals and antibiotics that the bees may have encountered while foraging.
All this high-tech testing provides YOU, the consumer, the confidence you need to be confident you are purchasing pure honey, from pure sources.
Rock Front Ranch Honey has used Sweetwater Labs, a small woman-owned business in Glasgow, MO to do our testing.
With thanks to Western SARE
for their support